Each person was born with a different type and amount of facial hair growth, talk about the patterns and texture of your beards. Whether you wish to have them and you want to grow them or you’re proud to own a fully healthy hair, caring for your facial hair is the most important factor. Keep in mind that facial hair care is always a key factor in personal grooming. In this article, are some of the best dermatologist’s tips that when followed keenly will result in a healthy good-looking beards.

1. Keep yourself committed to the process

Commitment is key when you want to grow facial hairs. It also takes time and people tend to think that after a wash with beard soaps and good combing is all that is needed, then that’s where they go wrong. To maintain your facial hair in a healthy condition first requires you to maintain overall good health. You are advised to;
Have plenty of sleep to encourage the growth of beard.
Avoid unhealthy behaviours like smoking and drinking alcohol.
Avoid eating junk and eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins the body requires.
A vitamin supplement is also recommended.

2. Select the right tool

Having facial hair comes with many responsibilities, and as much as you have special tools for skincare, you should also invest in some tools like;
dry and always clean towels.
A good skincleanser matching your type of skin.
Exfoliated scrubs.
Have a moisturizer that is mixed with SPF when your beards are still growing while without it after your hair has grown.
Beard soaps, oil, and a conditioner.
A brush and a comb.

3. Wash it properly

You are advised to use warm water to receive the best results. Start by applying your cleaning product and massage for about thirty seconds for it to cover every corner People using products that are medicated should wait for a couple of minutes for it to cover the whole area and then rinse with plenty of running water. A good cleaning should work well for your skin and beards. Washing your face daily helps to remove oils, dirt, dead skin and even germs that may slow the growth of your beas.

4. Pick the Right products

When picking products for your skincare, you should consider knowing your skin type before purchasing. For example, if your skin is oily or prone to acne skin type, always such for products with glycolic or salicylic acid as the active ingredient. If your skin is the normal type, you should go with a non-comedogenic cleaner that does not affect your pores by clogging them. Dry skins require a hydrating product free from impurities that may cause irritation on the skin. Especially if your skin is sensitive, try searching for ones that are labelled free on the bottle. Find beard products on Lames & Tradition.

5. Treat Dandruff

For those suffering from dandruff in beards, the good news is that it can be treated. Dandruff on beards are not caused by poor hygiene, they are caused by the bacteria and fungi trapped when your beards were covering the skin. You should make sure that you use the right shampoo when treating the condition. Most products containing active ketoconazole ingredients will sure help in treating the condition.

In conclusion

Genetics plays a major factor in the growth of beards with diet, the level of testosterone, level of stress and exercise also influence the process. shaving generally does not guarantee thicker hair but to encourage beard growth first practice healthy living. If you have almost used every method and you facial hair aren’t that appealing, treatment topically is recommended especially if facial hairs are that important to you.